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The Terms and Conditions specify the rules for the provision of sales services through the website of the online store operating under the domain: It is a document required under Article 13 of the Act of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights.

The owner and administrator of the store is:

Effiki LLC
located at 8 Wierzbowa Street, 17-300 Siemiatycze, Poland,
registered in the National Court Register under the number KRS 0001005847
Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5441539475, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 380182080,
tel. (48) 535-718-817, email:
Bank account number: 76 1140 2004 0000 3802 8168 9125

Return address:

Flexls – Effiki
Pass 20K, Budynek nr 9
05-870 Błonie
tel: +48 505 175 676

The BUYER has the right to negotiate any provisions of the contract with the Seller before placing an order, including amendments to the following terms and conditions, within the limits permitted by law. Such negotiations require written form to be valid. In the event that the BUYER chooses not to enter into an agreement through individual negotiations, the following terms and conditions shall apply.


A. Definitions

  1. ONLINE STORE - means that the sales or service agreement is concluded electronically, and if the party to the agreement is a CONSUMER, it is governed by the provisions described in the Act of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827).
    SELLER and SERVICE PROVIDER - Effiki Ltd., located at 8 Wierzbowa Street, 17-300 Siemiatycze, Poland, registered in the National Court Register under the number KRS 0001005847, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5441539475, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 380182080 - the sales agreement concluded through the website of the ONLINE STORE
  2. CUSTOMER - an individual, legal person, or organizational unit without legal personality, to whom specific regulations grant legal capacity, and who enters into or intends to enter into an agreement or uses other services offered through the ONLINE STORE website.
  3. CONSUMER - the CUSTOMER, an individual who performs a legal act not directly related to their business or professional activity - precise definition - Civil Code Article 22.
  4. PRODUCT - an item offered for sale or a service offered in the ONLINE STORE.
  5. TERMS AND CONDITIONS - these Terms and Conditions of the ONLINE STORE.
  6. SALES AGREEMENT - a distance sales agreement for a PRODUCT concluded through the ONLINE STORE.
  7. ORDER - an electronically or telephonically submitted statement expressing the intention to conclude an agreement (order for a product or service).
  8. NEWSLETTER - an electronic service provided by the SELLER, consisting of sending commercial and advertising information to the interested party's provided email address.

B. General provisions.

  1. Scope of activities - mail-order sale of clothing and textile articles using the website.
  2. The SELLER - in order to facilitate the conclusion of the agreement, provides the following services through the website of the online store:
    - creating and managing a customer account in the online store;
    - processing the product order form in the online store;
    - with the customer's consent, sending commercial information, promotional offers, etc., in the form of a "newsletter" service.
  3. The provision of electronic services within the above scope is free of charge.
  4. The agreement for the provision of an electronic service involving the operation and administration of the CUSTOMER'S Account on the WEBSITE is concluded for an indefinite period. The moment of conclusion is considered to be the completion of the customer registration process on the WEBSITE.
  5. The agreement for the provision of an electronic service enabling the placement of an Order in the Online Store by completing the order form is concluded for a fixed period - for the duration of order fulfillment and processing - and is terminated upon the submission and acceptance of the Order.
  6. The "newsletter" service is concluded for an indefinite period. The agreement is concluded when consent is given to send messages to the CUSTOMER's email address provided during registration.
  7. The CONSUMER may withdraw from the agreement for the provision of a service without stating a reason within 14 days of its conclusion - except when the provision of the service begins before the expiration of this period with the CONSUMER's consent - by submitting a statement of withdrawal to the entrepreneur:
    - using the electronic withdrawal form (Annex to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS),
    - by submitting a declaration on the website,
    - by email or in writing to the SELLER's (SERVICE PROVIDER's) registered address.
  8. In the case of a service concluded for an indefinite period, both parties have the right to terminate the agreement:
    - The CONSUMER may terminate the agreement for the provision of electronic services at any time by submitting the appropriate declaration in electronic or written form to the SELLER. The SELLER shall immediately confirm receipt of the declaration. Within 7 days of receiving the notice of termination, the SELLER shall delete the data protected by personal data protection laws associated with the service and cease its provision.
    - The SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the agreement for the provision of electronic services if the CONSUMER objectively and unlawfully violates the Terms and Conditions in a significant manner, with a notice period of 30 days from the date of the notice. If both parties to the agreement are entrepreneurs, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the agreement for the provision of Electronic Services with immediate effect in such a situation.
    - The SERVICE PROVIDER and the CUSTOMER may terminate the agreement for the provision of electronic services at any time by mutual agreement.

  9. Complaints will be processed promptly, no later than within 14 days. Failure to consider a complaint within this period shall be deemed as its acceptance.
  10. To cooperate with the SERVICE PROVIDER's IT system on the CUSTOMER's side, access to a computer or other device enabling communication with the online store website via the Internet is necessary. In the case of a computer, the system should be equipped with a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox version 11.0 or higher, Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher, or similar parameters). The recommended monitor resolution should not be lower than 1024x768. Mobile devices must have software provided by the device manufacturer that allows for operations equivalent to those performed by the above-mentioned computer browsers. Additionally, an active email account is required. To fully utilize all the functions of the ONLINE STORE, JavaScript and cookies support must be enabled. The use of scripts and cookies is discussed in the PRIVACY POLICY located in the tab on the ONLINE STORE website.
  11. The CUSTOMER is obliged to enter data into the system that is consistent with the actual state of affairs, in accordance with the law and good manners. The provided data must not infringe personal rights or the property rights of third parties.
  12. The SELLER is a VAT payer and issues a sales document (receipt or invoice) for each product sale transaction.
  13. Commercial information - price lists, descriptions, advertisements, and other information about the PRODUCTS on the SELLER'S website constitute an invitation to conclude an agreement within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
  14. The provisions of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS do not aim to exclude or limit any rights of the CUSTOMER who is also a CONSUMER within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended) - which are granted to them under the applicable law. In the event of any inconsistencies between the provisions of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS and the aforementioned regulations, the latter shall prevail.


C. Ordering

  1. The ONLINE STORE fulfills orders with shipping to all countries worldwide. For orders from abroad, the shipping conditions, including costs and delivery times, are agreed upon individually.
  2. The SELLER adheres to the Code of Good Practices as defined in the Act of August 23, 2007, on Counteracting Unfair Market Practices (available at
  3. Before placing an order, the CUSTOMER must familiarize themselves with these TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The fact of acquaintance and acceptance of all provisions of these terms and conditions is explicitly confirmed during registration in the system and before final order confirmation. The order form will not be accepted without such confirmation.
  4. Electronic orders can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  5. Phone orders can be placed using the phone number provided in the CONTACT tab. In the case of a distance agreement concluded over the phone, the SELLER confirms the content of the proposed agreement by sending it to the CUSTOMER in a durable form on paper or another lasting medium. For the validity of the agreement, the CONSUMER submits a statement accepting the terms and concluding the agreement, which is effective if it is recorded on paper or another durable medium upon receipt of confirmation from the SELLER.
  6. If the content of the agreement indicates that the CONSUMER is obliged to pay a sum of money, the CONSUMER must confirm the understanding of the obligation to pay the amount specified in the agreement and make a declaration by accepting the order with the formula: "ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION."
  7. The fulfillment of an order (preparation and shipment of PRODUCTS) by the SELLER takes place:
    a) after order confirmation if the CUSTOMER has chosen the cash on delivery payment method;
    b) after receiving the payment from the CUSTOMER into the SELLER's account if the CUSTOMER has chosen prepayment or online payment methods such as paynow or PayPal.

  8. The order fulfillment period for products available in stock is no longer than 3 business days from the date determined as mentioned in the previous point. In most cases, we fulfill orders within 24 hours. For products offered on demand, the delivery time will be specified when placing the order.
  9. If the CUSTOMER is a CONSUMER, the SELLER is obliged to deliver the item to the CUSTOMER without undue delay, no later than thirty days from the date of the agreement unless the agreement provides otherwise. In the event of a delay, the CONSUMER may set an additional deadline for the item to be delivered, and if it passes without effect, the CONSUMER may withdraw from the agreement.
  10. If the SELLER declares that they will not fulfill the performance, the other party may withdraw from the agreement without setting an additional deadline.

D. Prices

  1. The prices of the products listed in the store's offer are in Polish currency and are gross prices (including taxes required by law, including VAT).
  2. The listed prices are retail prices and do not include discounts and bonuses. Discounts and bonuses may be granted individually.
  3. The prices of the products listed do not include the cost of delivery. The exact cost of delivery is provided during the order acceptance process and depends on the chosen shipping method and the order value. The CUSTOMER selects the shipping and payment method and confirms their choice while filling out the order form.
  4. The price applicable to the CUSTOMER is the price valid at the time of placing the order.


E. Payment Methods:

  1. Cash on delivery - payment upon receipt of the shipped products.
  2. Prepayment - payment by bank transfer to the bank account provided by the SELLER or as sent in the order confirmation.
  3. PayPal online payment system - administered by Paypal Polska Spółka z o.o., ul. E.Plater 53, 00-113 Warsaw.
  4. PayNow online payment system - administered by mBank S.A., ul. Prosta 18, 00-950 Warsaw.
  5. BLIK
  6. Payment cards: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro.
  7. In the case of choosing the prepayment method, the CUSTOMER is obliged to make the payment for the sales agreement within 3 days from the date of its conclusion unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the sales agreement.
  8. Blue Media S.A. is the entity providing online payment services for card payments.
  9. The SELLER has the right to limit the available payment methods, including requiring full or partial prepayment.


F. Shipment of Goods

  1. The costs of shipping (delivery) are calculated according to the current price lists of courier companies and depend on the weight, size of the shipment, chosen delivery method, and selected payment method. The CUSTOMER is informed about the costs and selects the shipping method and accepts the shipping cost during the order placement using the interactive order form.
  2. Detailed information about shipping costs is provided in the "Shipping Costs" tab on the ONLINE STORE website.
  3. The CUSTOMER bears the costs of delivery unless the product offer description states otherwise.
  4. In the case of international shipping, the shipping costs and delivery time are determined individually.
  5. The purchased products are sent by courier company DPD.

G. Complaints and Contract Withdrawal (Returns) in relations with CUSTOMERS who are not CONSUMERS (applies to businesses).

  1. This section of the Terms and Conditions applies only to CUSTOMERS who are not CONSUMERS.
  2. Upon receipt of the shipment with the ordered products, the CUSTOMER who is not a CONSUMER is obliged to inspect the shipment in the manner and within the time commonly accepted for such shipments. If they find that there has been a loss or damage to the Product during transport, they are obliged to take all necessary actions to determine the carrier's liability.
  3. The SELLER's liability towards the CUSTOMER who is not a CONSUMER, regardless of its legal basis, is limited - both for a single claim and for all claims in total - to the amount paid and the delivery costs under the concluded agreement. The SELLER is liable towards the CUSTOMER who is not a CONSUMER only for typical foreseeable damages at the time of concluding the agreement and is not liable for lost profits in relation to the CUSTOMER who is not a CONSUMER.
  4. Any disputes arising between the SELLER/SERVICE PROVIDER and the CUSTOMER who is not a CONSUMER are subject to the jurisdiction of the court competent for the seat of the SELLER.
  5. The regulations regarding warranty for defects and quality guarantees - not mentioned above - in contracts with businesses are adopted directly in the wording accepted in the Civil Code, Articles 556-581.


H. Right of Withdrawal (Product Return) in Distance Selling Involving Consumers.

  1. According to Article 27 of the Consumer Rights Act (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827), a CONSUMER who enters into a "distance contract" has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 calendar days from the date of taking possession of the PRODUCT (if the product consists of several items that are delivered separately, in batches, or in parts, the period begins from the date of taking possession of the last item, batch, or part; if the agreement involves the regular supply of products for a specified period, the period starts from the date of taking possession of the first product; or in the case of services or agreements of a different nature, 14 days from the day of concluding the agreement. However, if the buyer is a CONSUMER, the handing over of the sold item by the SELLER to the carrier, when the SELLER had no influence over the choice of the carrier by the buyer, is considered as the delivery of the item to the buyer. To comply with the deadline, the CONSUMER must submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract during this time. It is also important to send the statement electronically - a ready-made form can be used (Statement of Withdrawal from the Contract.doc). If the statement is submitted electronically, the SELLER will immediately send the CONSUMER a confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal statement in a durable medium.
  2. After submitting the statement, the CONSUMER is obliged to return the PRODUCT to the RETURNS address provided in the SELLER's data within 14 calendar days (counted from the date of sending the statement of withdrawal from the contract) unless the SELLER has proposed that they will collect the PRODUCT themselves. The date of dispatch determines compliance with the deadline.
  3. The CONSUMER is responsible for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling them in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods.
  4. Within 14 calendar days, the SELLER will refund the payments made by the CONSUMER, including the costs of delivering the goods from the SELLER to the CONSUMER. However, the SELLER may withhold the refund until receiving the returned goods or until the CONSUMER provides evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever occurs first. The SELLER will make the refund using the same payment method used by the CONSUMER, unless the CONSUMER explicitly agrees to a different method that does not involve any additional costs.
  5. The CONSUMER bears the direct cost of returning the PRODUCT to the SELLER.
  6. The right of withdrawal from a distance contract does not apply to the cases listed in the annex.
  7. The SELLER does not accept shipments sent "cash on delivery." The return shipment should be adequately protected against damage during transportation.

I. Liability for Warranty and Guarantees in Sales Involving Consumers.

  1. The SELLER is obligated to provide a PRODUCT that is free from defects under the sales agreement.
  2. The SELLER is liable for physical defects that existed at the time the risk passed to the buyer or arose from a cause inherent in the sold item at the same time, for a period of 2 years.
  3. The SELLER informs that for PRODUCTS covered by a warranty, the buyer's rights and the warranty provider's obligations are determined and should be performed in accordance with the conditions specified in the WARRANTY CARD. The granted WARRANTY for the sold PRODUCT is an additional entitlement and does not exclude, limit, or suspend the CONSUMER's rights under the provisions of the statutory warranty for defects in the sold item (Article 577 of the Civil Code).
  4. The SELLER is exempt from liability for warranty if the CONSUMER was aware of the defect at the time of concluding the contract.
  5. In the event of a defect or non-conformity of the delivered PRODUCT with the agreement, the CONSUMER has the right to file a complaint.
  6. To report a complaint, it is recommended that the CONSUMER fill out a complaint form or describe the grounds for the complaint and the requests regarding the defect removal and send the notification electronically (via email) or by mail to the SELLER's correspondence address provided in the heading. Complaints can also be made by phone or orally.
  7. In agreement with the SELLER, if possible and reasonable, a defective PRODUCT for which the CONSUMER exercises warranty rights may be required to be delivered at the SELLER's cost to the location specified in the sales agreement, or if such a location is not specified in the agreement, to the place where the PRODUCT was handed over to the CONSUMER. If, due to the nature of the item or the method of its installation, the delivery of the item by the CUSTOMER would be excessively difficult, the CUSTOMER is obliged to make the item available to the SELLER at the place where the item is located.
  8. If the sold item has a defect, the CUSTOMER may request a reduction of the price or withdrawal from the contract unless the SELLER immediately and without excessive inconvenience to the buyer replaces the defective item with one free from defects or removes the defect. This limitation does not apply if the item has already been replaced or repaired by the SELLER, or if the SELLER has failed to fulfill the obligation to replace the item with one free from defects or to remove the defect.
  9. If the buyer is a CONSUMER, they may demand the replacement of the defective item with one free from defects or the removal of the defect instead of the remedy proposed by the seller, unless bringing the item into conformity with the agreement in a manner chosen by the buyer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by the seller. When assessing the excessiveness of the costs, the value of the defect-free item, the nature and significance of the defect found, as well as the inconveniences to which the buyer would be exposed by another means of redress, should be taken into account.
  10. The reduced price should remain in such proportion to the price resulting from the agreement as the value of the item with the defect remains to the value of the item without the defect.
  11. The buyer cannot withdraw from the contract if the defect is immaterial.
  12. If the sold item has a defect, the buyer may request the replacement of the item with one free from defects or the removal of the defect. The SELLER is obliged to replace the defective item with one free from defects or remove the defect in a reasonable time and without excessive inconvenience to the buyer. The SELLER may refuse to comply with the buyer's request if bringing the defective item into conformity with the agreement in the manner chosen by the buyer is impossible or would require excessive costs. If the buyer is a business entity, the SELLER may also refuse to replace the item with one free from defects or remove the defect if the costs of complying with this obligation exceed the price of the sold item.
  13. The SELLER will consider the complaint without undue delay. No later than within 14 calendar days from the date of receiving the complaint notification, the SELLER will inform the CONSUMER in writing or electronically about the status of the complaint. Leaving the complaint without a response within this period is equivalent to recognizing the complaint.
  14. After accepting the complaint, the SELLER will refund the costs associated with the complaint that have been borne by the CONSUMER. The SELLER will transfer the appropriate amount to the CONSUMER's bank account or send it by postal order.
  15. If the recognition of the complaint is associated with the repair or replacement of the goods, the SELLER will bear the cost of returning the PRODUCT to the CONSUMER.


 J. Processing and protection of customer personal data

  1. The SELLER is the administrator of personal data.
  2. Providing personal data by the CUSTOMER is voluntary, however, failure to provide the personal data necessary to conclude a sales agreement or an electronic service agreement may result in the impossibility of concluding and performing such an agreement.
  3. The scope, purpose, and legal basis for processing the CUSTOMER's personal data by the SERVICE PROVIDER are defined in the PRIVACY POLICY, which constitutes Appendix No. 4 to this REGULATIONS. You can find the PRIVACY POLICY here.

K. Final provisions

  1. The agreement is concluded in the Polish language and is governed by Polish law. However, this choice does not deprive the consumer of the protection granted to them by provisions that cannot be excluded by agreement, under the law of the country where the consumer has their habitual residence, and the entrepreneur directs their activities to that country, and the agreement falls within the scope of that activity.
  2. The content of the Regulations is available at all times in the REGULATIONS tab on the Seller's website and can be copied and printed by the Buyer at any time. The content of the REGULATIONS can also be sent by email or mail at the request of the CUSTOMER. The REGULATIONS, together with the appendices, are also delivered to the CUSTOMERS as an attachment to the email confirming the submission of the order and the conclusion of the agreement.
  3. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of law shall apply, in particular:
  4. Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws of 1964 No. 16, item 93, as amended)
  5. Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item 926, as amended)
  6. Act on the provision of electronic services of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422)
  7. Industrial Property Law of June 30, 2000 (Journal of Laws of 2001 No. 49, item 508, as amended)
  8. Copyright and Related Rights Act of February 4, 1994 (Journal of Laws of 2006 No. 90, item 631, as amended)
  9. Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827)
  10. If any provision of these Regulations is found to be unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable to the extent provided by law, it shall be excluded. In all other respects, the Regulations shall remain in force.
  11. All product names offered for sale by the ONLINE STORE are used for identification purposes and may be protected and reserved under the provisions of the Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws of 2001 No. 49, item 5081, as amended).
  12. All photos posted on the WEBSITE are protected under the Copyright and Related Rights Act of February 4, 1994 (Journal of Laws of 1994 No. 24, item 83, as amended) - they have a creative and individual nature. They cannot be copied without the consent of the Website Administrator.
  13. In the event of disputes related to the performance of the concluded agreement, the parties will seek to resolve the dispute through out-of-court settlement procedures, including mediation. In the event that an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the competent court for resolving the dispute will be the Common Court.
  14. In fulfilling the obligation to indicate out-of-court methods of resolving complaints and pursuing claims, we hereby inform you that:
    a) The City (District) Consumer Ombudsman assists residents in every district and city with district rights. Consumers can obtain free advice or legal information from them regarding any type of dispute with a seller or service provider, regardless of the place of business of the entrepreneur. The ombudsman sometimes intervenes on behalf of the consumer with the entrepreneur, presenting their claims and the current legal situation, and indicating the correct way to handle the complaint. In addition, they provide assistance in preparing a lawsuit and can even participate in ongoing court proceedings to act on behalf of consumers.
    b) It is possible to refer the matter to a permanent consumer arbitration court, i.e., a court adjudicating civil disputes, operating at provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection (WIIH) and their branch offices. Consumer arbitration courts consider disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs arising from a sales agreement or a contract for the provision of services. The consent of both parties to the dispute is necessary to consider the case. The court consists of arbitrators appointed by both representatives of entrepreneurs and consumers. Proceedings before a consumer arbitration court are less formalized than proceedings before a common court and are also shorter. It is also much cheaper because no entry fee is charged, and the only costs may be associated with the need to appoint experts. Contact details for permanent consumer arbitration courts are available on the UOKIK website at:;
    c) It is possible to refer the case to mediation. It is conducted at the provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection - a mediation procedure between the entrepreneur and the consumer, initiated at the request of the consumer or ex officio, is free of charge (except for any costs of opinions commissioned to experts). The role of the Trade Inspection is to provide both parties with an objective and independent presentation of the current legal status and possible proposals for amicable resolution of the dispute. The mediator sets a deadline for the parties to reach an agreement. If this deadline is exceeded or if one of the parties declares that they do not consent to such a settlement, mediation is discontinued. Contact details for provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection are available on the UOKIK website at:
    d) You can obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute from the Consumer Federation by using the toll-free consumer helpline 800 007 707.

    The content of points a), b), and c) above is taken from the website
  15. The content of the appendices is an integral part of these Regulations.


Attachment No. 1 to the REGULATIONS:
Information on the exercise of the right to withdraw from the contract

Right of withdrawal from the contract:

  • You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
  • The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.
  • To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g., a letter sent by post, fax, or email).
  • Please enter your surname, full postal address, and, if available, your telephone number, fax number, and email address:
  • You may use the withdrawal form template, but it is not mandatory.
  • You may also fill in and submit the withdrawal form or any other unequivocal statement electronically on our website [please insert the website address]. If you choose this option, we will immediately send you confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal information on a durable medium (in writing or by email).
  • To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Effects of withdrawal from the contract

  • If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.
  • We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.
  • Please send back or hand over the goods to us at the correspondence address provided in the REGULATIONS promptly and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your withdrawal from this contract to us. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired.
  • You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods. You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods.

The right of withdrawal from a distance contract does not apply to the CONSUMER in the following cases:

  1. contracts for the provision of services if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the explicit consent of the consumer who has been informed before the performance of the service that they will lose the right of withdrawal after the performance of the service;
  2. contracts where the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no control and which may occur before the withdrawal period expires;
  3. contracts for the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized;
  4. contracts for the supply of goods that are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
  5. contracts for the supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery;
  6. contracts for the supply of goods that are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items;
  7. contracts for the supply of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of concluding the sales contract, and which can be delivered only after 30 days and the value of which depends on fluctuations in the market over which the entrepreneur has no control;
  8. contracts where the consumer has specifically requested the entrepreneur to visit them for urgent repair or maintenance purposes. If, in addition to performing the additional services requested by the consumer, the entrepreneur also supplies other services or goods other than spare parts necessary for the repair or maintenance, the right of withdrawal applies to the consumer with regard to the additional services or goods;
  9. contracts for the supply of sound or video recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
  10. contracts for the supply of newspapers, periodicals, or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;
  11. contracts concluded at a public auction;
  12. contracts for the rental of buildings or premises for purposes other than residential, transportation of goods, car rental, gastronomy, leisure-related services if the contract specifies a specific day or period of service provision.
  13. contracts for the supply of digital content that is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer's prior express consent and with the acknowledgment by the consumer that they thereby lose their right of withdrawal.

Attachment No. 2 - Model declaration of withdrawal from the agreement.docx

Attachment No. 3 - Model Complaint Form.docx

Attachment No. 4 - Model Return Form.pdf

Attachment No. 5 - Model Exchange Form.pdf


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